It has been used in production many in three TV series times and a movie called "kiral sakir"
There is more than 500 character with femtorig in PRODUCTION.

What the script do ?

1.    It creates two types of modules
A.    Generic modules:
the generic module don`t share any micro controllers between the right and lift side and it can be single side it's ideal for (eyebrows , cheeks ..Etc).
B.    Centric modules:
the centric module shares a controller in the middle and it has to be for both sides it`s ideal for (moth , nose ....Etc).
C.    All the modules can have submodule (upper and lower ) to use it for eye lid or the upper and lower moth lib.

So you have an independent control over each submodule
Each module has 3 kind of controllers.
A) main controller which move the whole module ,
B) macro controller that creates the main shapes and expressions ,
C) micro controller which gives you high level of control on your face and it`s seamless integration with blend shape without any double transformation and the controller will always be flowing your vertex.

Micro controllers generated with two features:
1.    Each microcontroller has the initial weight values to flow the macros and this values was calculated based on how close each macro controller to the micro controller and you will have all this value on each micro to adjust them as you need.
2.    The micro controllers is seamlessly moves with the model deformation like blend shapes or delta mush 
so it will respond with the vertex movement without any double transformations and it will always working as expected and it liked with the main geometry and the without any active blendshapes.
2.    Smart skinning tools makes the skinning process very easy and fast you will find the skin the joint based rig so easy.
3.    Saving and loading skinning weights for multiple objects at once.
4.    Transferring skinning between objects or even just portion of an object to another portion for another object.
5.    Stretch and squash creator : it will automatically create a stretch and squash for any selection and it will automatically connected to your rig.
6.    Transfer shapes that can easily transfer any kind of blend shapes you made on your model to any other models and connect them back to the original driver.
7.    Automatically set up your the blink controls.
8.    Macro parent tool : it allows you to parent any macro controller with any other controller in your rig and gives you a blend attribute between the new parent and the main controller for the module 
9.Transferring skinning between objects or even just portion of an object to another portion for another object
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